Evergreen to charter 10 more 14,000-TEU ships

EvergreenEvergreen Line plans to charter 10 additional 14,000-TEU container ships as part of its fleet renewal program to use more efficient vessels and reduce unit costs.

The Taiwan-based box ship operator said recently it signed charter agreements with Costamare and Shoei Kisen Kaisha for each to provide five 14,000-TEU ships to be delivered during 2016 and 2017, respectively.

The 10 new vessels are on top of the seven new 14,000-TEU units it is chartering from Sumitomo Corp. The seven ships are scheduled for delivery between 2016 and 2017, and will have a 10-year term of tenancy.

As this is a fleet renewal program, the newbuildings will be replacements for existing vessels and balanced by the redelivery of currently chartered ships when charter periods expire, said Evergreen. “Operating tonnage therefore will not be increased.”

The 10 ships will be fully equipped with fuel-saving technology that will enable them to consume substantially less fuel than ships of the same size built before 2010, it added.


Photo: Aah-Yeah