New air traffic management system elevates PH air traffic safety, efficiency

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) has finally inaugurated the new communications, navigation, surveillance/air traffic management (CNS/ATM) systems that will bring air traffic and navigation levels in the Philippines on a par with international standards.

CNS/ATM is a state-of-the art computer and satellite-based air traffic management technology similar to those in use in Australia, Taiwan, and European countries. With CNS/ATM systems, air travel is expected to be more definite, aircraft identification more established, and safety and security of passengers guaranteed.

Apart from these, the system also brings with it better air traffic flow and space management, which optimizes airport capacity and efficient use of airspace that in turn minimizes delays by helping aircraft operators meet their departure and arrival schedules.

“In short, the CNS/ATM technology enhances safety, reliability, and efficiency of air traffic service in the Philippine airspace,” the Department of Transportation (DOTr), CAAP’s mother agency, said in a statement.

The CNS/ATM project started in 2009 but due to the delay in construction and other challenges, it did not hit its target completion date in 2016. Previously, there were only three radars—in Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), Clark, and Tagaytay—which covered only 30% of Philippine airspace.

Under the current DOTr leadership, 10 additional radars have been installed. This means that the country now has a total of 13 radars, and one satellite radar, which will enable the air sector to cover 100% of the entire Philippine airspace.

Apart from the radars, the project, funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency for JPY22 million (US$198 million), includes a central traffic control complex housed in the CAAP office in Manila.

The CNS/ATM was inaugurated at the Philippine Air Traffic Management Center on January 16, the ceremonies led by President Rodrigo Duterte and Transport Secretary Arthur Tugade, and participated in by several high-ranking government and transportation officials.

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